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Author: unknown

Spiritual Keys to Wealth

There is validity to our political, practical and socio-economic experience, but when it comes to money our lot in life is much more than simply a result of our circumstances. We can vastly improve our individual ability to succeed and make the most of our financial opportunities based on our metaphysical attitude.

It is true that your spiritual outlook effects your ability to generate wealth--and the proper spiritual outlook and techniques can help you bring financial abundance into your life! People do it all the time. In fact just two weeks ago I won a slot machine Jackpot ($500.00) using these techniques!

The trick is that most people are not taught about these techniques--or they are taught some of these steps but not all of them. If just saying "I want money" brought wealth, then everyone would be as rich as they wanted to be. However, you can learn the right way to go about spiritually attracting money, again and again no matter what practical steps you are taking.

We have compiled here a simple list of the most important concepts and skills to master in order to generate unlimited wealth. The secrets and techniques referred to here work no matter what your religion or belief system--even if you don't really believe they work! Just try these techniques out diligently for 30 days and see what happens to your bank account! They may not in-and-of themselves make you a millionaire, but they sure will help!

1) Money is Energy- Nothing More, Nothing Less. Most of us have heard that Money is the root of all evil and similar nonsense throughout our lifetime. In fact, many spiritual disciplines have taught that money is bad (unless you give it to the Church.)

This is just not true. Evil is evil all by itself and there are plenty of enlightened beings with more money than you can imagine. Money is simply energy. We agree on the symbol of money, because it is easier than trying to haul all of our worldly goods around on our back in order to trade with each other. For example: say your talent in life is programming computers. Well if you are a hungry computer programmer and you want lunch you need to make a trade. However, it could get pretty confusing trying to figure out how many lines of code a burrito is worth! So you trade your programs for MONEY and the guy who makes burritos trades you the burrito for some of that same MONEY. All money really is a symbol of effort or goods. Yet we don't typically say that the goods are the root of all evil or that spending effort doing something corrupts!

Now this seems to be pretty straightforward and simple, but in order to attract money to ourselves we need to erase any unconscious negative beliefs about money. Negative attitudes about money need to be replaced with a solid unconscious understanding that money is simply energy--effort or goods--and as such is an important tool. The trick to changing unconscious beliefs is to be very vigilant with yourself.

Exercises For Step One

A) Next time you hear about a public official being bribed or someone flagrantly wasting something or other forms of exploitation and corruption, consciously remind yourself of public officials who do a good job, your favorite charities and entrepreneurs who have built lasting companies which treat their people well. Contrary to popular belief, there are lots of people out there using Money for exciting and worthy purposes. It just doesn't usually make the evening news. Make sure you put your focus on the positive, you may even want to keep a scrapbook of examples of Money put to a good use.

B) Find something really expensive that you also find inspiring. It could be a famous work of art, an amazing car, jewelry, a beautiful home--anything. Once you have focused on it, make a mental list for yourself of why it SHOULD be very expensive and why it gives back every bit as much energy as the money it takes to own it. (Or experience it--depending.)

C) If your friends and family talk about needing money or being poor all the time, spend time with different people. Make an effort to remind yourself that you are not like them. While it is true that we sometimes find ourselves in difficult or even desperate situations, it is not wise to constantly re-state the problem. It is much better to constantly look for solutions even if at the moment they seem like "unrealistic dreaming." People who focus frequently on being poor tend to unconsciously believe that there is some type of virtue in "making do". Learn to recognize this attitude in yourself and others--then change your focus when you catch it happening!

D) Don't haggle- that just creates an unconscious belief in lack. Either a thing is worth the energy or Money being asked or it is not. If it is, give it willingly. If it is not, look and ask for higher quality not lower price!

E) Watch what you say--phrases like "more money than sense," "I'm always a day late and a dollar short," " I don't make that kind of money," etc., just condition you to believe that money is the problem. Remember--money is just energy; it is neither good nor bad and it is not constant. Just because you are not a millionaire today does not mean that you will not be one tomorrow!

F) Maintain your sense of humor about everything. If you notice your own negative beliefs about money--congratulate yourself; don't beat yourself up! At least, you noticed. As you start observing people around you, it will amaze you how much they don't realize about their unconscious money beliefs. Use this as a gauge to remind yourself that you are on the right track!

2) When You Want Something Ask - And Be Specific! The Universe (or God, or Chance) has a mischievous sense of humor you tend to get what you ask for--exactly what you ask for.

Let me give you a true example. I had a coworker who was constantly complaining because she was poor. One day I suggested she write down on a piece of paper just what she wanted. She did.

Shortly after that I noticed people offering her small sums of money. One woman offered her gas money for driving her around, another suggested that if my friend would cover a shift for her she would pay her an extra $25.00, and other such things like that. My friend refused! And yet, when I asked her what she had written on the piece of paper she said "more money"! When I pointed out that she was indeed offered exactly that "more money" she said "well yeah, but it is not enough I really need several hundred dollars if I am going to pay my car payment."

She did two things wrong. First, she was not specific. She asked for money; the universe obliged--she was offered money. She had not asked for a specific amount, so she got whatever was around. Secondly, she refused the money she was offered for no good reason.

She did not refuse because she felt it was an unfair contract or she might be inappropriately obligated. She refused out of conditioning. She was being "friendly". In her mind it was rude to accept the gas money, etc. This actually relates very closely to point one. For my friend, there was an unconsious belief that it was rude or uncaring to accept and have money. No wonder she was poor! It was important to her to be kind and empathetic! She never realized she thought this until she was questioned about why she turned down honest offers of money.

Without her knowing it, these two actions/beliefs where sending a very powerful vibe out into the world blocking her from generating money for herself. After all, on both an interpersonal and spiritual level, actions speak louder than words.

The moral of the story? Be very specific when you are asking for something, daydreaming, setting goals, etc. and be grateful when you are given what you asked for--even if you asked for the wrong thing! Gratitude is the foundation of a strong relationship with the Divine.

Exercises for Step 2

A) Think of something related to money you want or need, such as a specific amount to pay for something, or a specific opportunity to gain money. Make it of medium importance to you. Do not start out by asking for a new house and a million bucks--but do not start out asking for 10 cents either. The point here is to practice your manifesting ability on a project that is difficult enough to be challenging but that is "within reach" enough that it will not be overwhelming. Remember, this is for many of you the first time you will be consiously learning these techniques, even small requests can lead you to huge personal changes.

B) When you have thought of a good thing to request, in your mind ask God or the Universe to help you get it, provided that it is FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL AND ACCORDING TO THE FREE WILL OF ALL. Then write down in very clear and specific language just what it is you are asking the uinverse to give you.

C)For at least two weeks keep a journal and write down every single blessing, gift and unexpected offer you receive--whether it is what you asked for on your paper or not. Show gratitude to God and the Universe in whatever way is appropriate for you.

3) Fear and Need Repel Things From You - Action and Pleasure Draw Things Toward You. This is hard to explain without getting into either quantum physics or metaphysics and it is rather complicated, so just experiment and let your life show you how very true this statement is. There is no faster way to make your situation worse than to worry about it. The more you are afraid of something the more certain it is to happen to you. The more you focus on your need the harder it is for that need to be filled. (Ever meet someone who was a perfectly nice person- but who wanted to be liked so much that they were exhausting to be around? It was hard to like them, right? Well it works the same way with money.) When you find yourself worried about money and in need--DO SOMETHING. It does not really matter what you do or if you do the "wrong" thing. The very fact that you are taking some type of action will draw fresh energy and opportunity to you! When you find something you enjoy--FOCUS ON IT. The old adage that if you follow your bliss, you will make a fortune is true. Most millionaires enjoy what they do, a passion for something allows you to generate more energy and remember energy is MONEY. It may not take shape as money right away, but if you love what you do it will energize you, not drain you, and if you build up more and more energy it must eventually turn into spiritual wealth. For most people spiritual wealth brings money.(For some it brings mostly other benefits but spiritual wealth always brings joy and peace.)

Exercise For Step 3 In your journal write down every time you get fearful about money and then go DO something engaging and active. When you are finished with that action come back and record that in your journal, being sure to note how your feelings may have changed.

4) When You Want - Ask Freely, When You Have - Give Freely. Money is energy and must therefore flow freely. Nothing stops the ability to bring in money like hoarding it. This does not mean you should spend your money foolishly or give to the undeserving. What it does mean is that the universe is very responsive. You reap what you sow. What goes around comes around. What you put out, will return to you. This is true. If you watch carefully you will see it happening in your life all the time!

Where most people get messed up on this one is they expect the gifts they send out to return back from the same source. It makes good logical sense, but in real life it is seldom the case. You may loan a friend money and never be repaid by the friend. However, it is almost always the case that the universe will notice and send you unexpected money from a different source. It may not be right away, and you may not ever connect the two incidents, but on a spiritual level they are definitely connected!

Don't be afraid to give if the circumstances feel right (remember about fear.) This also means you need to be willing to ask when you want something (appropriately.) Just because you may not know how to return the energy directly at the moment does not mean that you will not be able to in the future. In addition, sometimes people just want or need the opportunity to give to you. Do not try to keep a balance sheet in your head--that is God's job. If you are not engaged in a strict business or legal deal, then quit making contracts and let the energy flow freely. Trust yourself and trust the Universe. This type of give and take opens you up to more wealth!

Exercise For Step 4

A) Ask 3 friends for something you want. Make it a slight strech, something you would not normally ask from your friends.

B) Give something to 3 different friends or aquantences, without being asked and without any expectations as to how your gift will be used and received and how or if you will get anything at all in return.

5)Remain Ethical - Let Everything You Do Be For The Highest Good Of All And According To The Free Will Of All. It may occasionally seem that unethical people or practices make money, but remember you rarely see the whole picture. What goes around comes around works both ways. The price for gaining Money unethically is training yourself that Money really is bad (remember step one.) That will set up an unconscious belief system and cycle of "bad luck" that can have far reaching and devastating effects on your life.

Despite appearances it is ALWAYS far simpler to do things the ethical way than to do them any other way!

Well that is it for this "chapter" on the subject. These should be some good things to think about and they are certainly sound principles to start you off. Be sure to post on our message boards if you have thoughts or experiences you would like to share.

Abundance To You!