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"to po prostu taka biżuteria, którą odziedziczyłam po matce - radośc śmiechu. (Virginia Woolf)

Laugh three times and call me in the morning

by Tina Coleman

Can laughter really help us heal? Anecdotal evidence and some studies seem to point in that direction. Scientists aren't sure. But why wait for them to figure it out? Just yuck it up. It certainly can't hurt.

Scientists know that laughing increases the rate at which the heart beats and the muscles contract. Laughter stimulates the cardiovascular, circulatory, and endocrine systems. Some studies have even shown that laughter bolsters the immune system, reduces stress hormones, and increases our tolerance to pain.

In his book Anatomy of an Illness, Norman Cousins likened laughter to "internal jogging." Suffering from a painful degenerative illness, Cousins found that twenty minutes of hearty laughter gave him two hours of pain-free sleep. Interest in the topic of laughter and healing was piqued again last year when the movie Patch Adams was released. Medical schools are beginning to incorporate humor training into their curricula while all over the country, seminar leaders teach medical personnel how humor can relieve job stress and enhance their interactions with patients.

Laughing it off

While the scientific community seeks to understand and prove the beneficial physiologic effects of laughter, there are some undisputed benefits. "There are three ways humor and laughter help us when life gets bumpy," says Steve Sultanoff, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist and president of the American Association for Therapeutic Humor. "The first is that humor gives us perspective and changes the way we see the world," allowing us to positively change our attitudes when the going gets rough. Secondly, humor changes our cognitive state, which is directly related to our physical well-being. You can't experience humor and be distressed at the same time, Sultanoff says. Finally, humor triggers laughter, which gives us that internal workout Cousins spoke about.

The bottom line, Sultanoff says, is that after we laugh, we feel good.

Humor and aging

As we grow older, we begin experiencing things that are definitely not funny, including aches and pains, illnesses, losses, diminished abilities, etc. "Serious illness is not funny. Death and dying are not funny. But funny things happen in those situations," says Allen Klein, author of The Healing Power of Humor. The key, he says, is to focus on those small things that make you laugh because they can give you a new perspective and help you cope. Klein has found that people who can laugh seem to be more resilient. "Poke a little fun at yourself," he suggests. "I do. At my age, my back goes out more than I do,” he jokes. "Humor is all around. You just have to look for it."

Attitude is everything

Katherine Russell Rich, author of The Red Devil: To Hell with Cancer - and Back, had been told she had a year to live when she saw a TV program claiming that people who were happy coped better with illness. "I put myself under medical orders to be happy," she says. "It wasn't easy. I made gratitude lists. Read Norman Cousins. Fell totally and unexpectedly in love with a good friend. He's got a wicked sense of humor and so do I. I've never laughed so hard in my life."

That was several years ago.

"When you're told you have a year to live and that you'll die an extremely painful death, you have two choices: you can either prepare to die, or you can say, 'Oh hell, might as well have the best time I can with what I have left.' For me, laughter tipped the balance," says Rich. "I truly believe a positive attitude helped save my life."

Humor also distracts us from our aches and pains. Pain sensation, Sultanoff says, doesn't come from just the physiologic sensation, but also from your attitude regarding that sensation. Your attitude can increase or decrease the pain you feel.

Humor buddies

The ability to cultivate friendships—in which humor plays an important part—is particularly important to aging people because friendships are so important to maintaining independence and good health, says Virginia Cornell, author of The Latest Wrinkle and Other Signs of Aging. Plus, it's hard to laugh alone. Klein suggests we find ourselves humor buddies to laugh with.

Looking for "good and funny stuff" about growing older can boost your attitude. Cornell says that for one thing, growing old means no longer having to cough up the kids' lunch money every morning. "As you get older," she says, "you must give up the constant fussing about things you can do nothing about, so you learn to see the small funny things about them."

Timing is everything

Everyone likes a good joke, but few of us are very good at telling them. Fortunately, there are (at least) 57 varieties of humor out there, says Joel Goodman, Ed.D., founder and director of The Humor Project and author of Laffirmations: 1,001 Ways to Add Humor to Your Life and Work. Some of his favorites are:

  • Asking yourself how your favorite comedian or cartoon character would portray your situation.
  • Exaggerating a situation until it takes on absurd proportions to lighten a stressful moment.
  • Keeping a file of cartoons or jokes that make you laugh and sharing them.
  • Looking for the humor around you. Road signs, for instance, can be very funny. Sultanoff cites one he's found alongside a California freeway that reads: "Cruise Ships Use Airport Exit."

When things get serious

If you find yourself facing a frightening medical diagnosis, prepare a "mirth kit," suggests Goodman. Fill it with things that make you laugh—videos, audiotapes, photographs, books, funny props, etc. "Give yourself a shot in the arm with whatever tickles your funny bone," he says. "Humor and laughter aren't substitutes for medical care, but they can be adjuncts. Humor can be a tremendous liberating source for coping in tough times."

When using humor to help a loved one through a difficult time, Goodman points out that having a good sense of humor means having a good sensitivity to humor. Gauge how receptive your loved one might be before you jump in feet first and end up with those feet in your mouth. If the time seems right, plan to share fond, funny memories or photos. Let your knowledge of what makes them laugh or brings them joy dictate your approach.

What about black humor? It helps some people cope with adversity. Rich once said to her mother, "Mom, you know, according to statistics, I'm supposed to be dead in a month." Her mother responded, "Well, I guess you better hold your breath if you're going to make that deadline." Don't feel put off, ashamed, or guilty when black humor is used to ease tense situations. It's cathartic, says Rich. "I think maybe black humor is a form of bravado, and also a release for the buildup of painful emotions."

We should take humor seriously, Goodman says. "It can add life to your years and, possibly, years to your life." And you won't have to fight your HMO to pay for it.

laughter is the best medicine

(based on )

We have all heard that laughter is the best medicine. The emotions that come from humor and laughter help people cope better with the stress of daily life. Studies have shown that people who laugh often live longer and are much healthier compared to those that find it difficult to laugh due to life's circumstances and personality types. This common reflex affects the body by activating the cardiovascular system, helps lower blood pressure and also exercises the muscles of the body. Research has shown that parts of the limbic system are involved in laughter as well. The limbic system is a primitive part of the brain that is involved in emotions and helps us with basic functions necessary for survival.

Dr. Lee S. Berk, at Loma Linda University School of Medicine and Public Health in California, and endocrinologist Stanley Tan, studied various groups of adults and found that laughter also stimulates our endocrine system and the pituitary gland, which in turn, stimulates release of endorphins and enkephalins, natural painkillers that are chemical cousins to opiates such as morphine and heroin. They found that both arms of the immune system got a boost out of laughter. Other studies have shown laughter improved functioning in those with breast cancer, marital stress and also those in the grieving process.

Silvia Cardoso, a behavioral biologist reports, "Repeated short, strong contractions of the chest muscles, diaphragm and abdomen increase blood flow into our internal organs, and forced respiration--the ha! ha!--makes sure that this blood is well oxygenated. Muscle tension decreases, and indeed we may temporarily lose control of our limbs, as in the expression "weak with laughter". It may also release brain endorphins, reducing sensitivity to pain and boosting endurance and pleasurable sensations. Some studies suggest that laughter affects the immune system by reducing the production of hormones associated with stress, and that when you laugh the immune system produces more T-cells."

Recent surveys indicate that laughter can enhance the quality of our conversations and productivity and social interactions. It simply makes people feel closer to each other. In his book, "Laughter: A Scientific Investigation", Provine says "that laughter is the oil in the social machine, helping human interactions run more smoothly".