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Hydrogen against aging

( link to V.Volkov)
What causes disease to occur?
In 1992, Russian medical doctor and researcher, Vladimir Volkov, claims that the cause of disease and aging is the absence of Hydrogen (H proton). He believes that illnesses have a common phase: the blood becomes acidic or acidosis occurs. Acidosis is a natural, necessary healing process. He feels that there is no recovery without acidosis.

The body's intelligence creates this acidosis condition in order to attempt to eliminate the toxins. Therefore, the acidosis is the main medical remedy against everything, and is prompted by the nature of the body. The majority of human diseases are accompanied by the acidation of an organism (acidosis).

An acidation is carried out by the proton (hydrogen). If there is no proton, then there is no acidation, and thus, no recovery. The tissues of a human organism contain a large reserve of hydrogen. The depletion of this reserve with age results in the development of aging process signs...The hydrogen transport can be a missed factor in the search of the reason of the aging process... During the process of aging, the cells of our organism lose water, and a hydrogen pool, protecting the cells from [the] harmful actions of the free radicals, becomes exhausted. As a matter of fact, all researchers of the longevity phenomenon agree that the free radicals bear the responsibility for aging."

"Life actually is a turnover of hydrogen, and the riddle of life is in 'the burning of hydrogen." (Flanagans)

As we age our body contains less water. The water loss of an organism results from the organism's attempt to produce protons (H+): to take them from the water. This shortage of hydrogen is the reason for human aging and illness.