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The first force is totality, intensity. If you really want to have a transformed life, if you really want to be a light unto yourself, if you really want to know the ultimate mystery of existence and the ultimate joy of being alive, then the first force is intensity, totality. Don't be lousy, don't be lazy, don't be partial.
If you dance, dance so totally that the dancer disappears and only the dance remains, and it will be a transformation. If you love, love so totally that there is no lover found. That which you are holding back becomes the lover. If you are holding back, that which you are holding back becomes the dancer, the singer. If you are totally in the dance, in the song, in the love, who is left behind to say "I am the lover, I am the dancer?" Nothing is left.

And totality transforms. It is only at one hundred degrees intensity that one evaporates from the material into the spiritual, from the earth to the sky, from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

The second force is familiarization: do and be what you really want to do and be. Life is lived according to gestalts that you have created around yourself. If you really want to be something else, then familiarize yourself with it. If you want to play the guitar, practice. If you want to dance, practice. If you want anything to happen in your life, imbibe more and more of it and drop all that is against it.

The third force is the force of white seeds. "White seeds" is a metaphor. Atisha means: drop all that is black. Don't go on cultivating the black seeds of anger, jealousy, hatred, possessiveness, domination. Even if they arise, watch, absorb them into your heart, and they will become white seeds. And what are the white seeds? Love, compassion, service, sincerity, sensitivity, awareness: these are the white seeds. If one day you want to have white flowers in your life, you will have to sow white seeds.

And the fourth force is reproach - to completely abjure ego-oriented thoughts. Watch - whatsoever arises out of the ego, whatsoever is an ego trip, immediately disconnect yourself from it. Even to linger with it for a while is dangerous, because lingering will give it energy. The moment you know it is an ego trip, immediately disconnect yourself... whenever pride arises, whenever the ego raises its head, you know it. Cut that head immediately with a single blow.

And the fifth force is the force of the dedication of all virtue to the welfare of others . Whatsoever good happens to you, immediately share it. This is one of the most fundamental things in Buddhism. If love has arisen, share it, shower it. If you cannot find people, shower it on the trees, the rocks, but shower it. Don't hoard it - because if you hoard it, it turns into poison; if you hoard it, it goes sour and bitter. Share it.... Give, and you will have it; give more, and you will have more of it.

From The Book of Wisdom, by Osho
Used by kind permission of Osho Foundation International